QuickBooks Online for Attorneys: Importing the Client, Vendor, and Employee list
We continue with the QuickBooks Online series for attorneys for the proper setup of your law firm. We have done all the heavy lifting, and if you look at the prior posts, it will take you through all of this importing. Also, we have a surprise and some tips at the end of this post that you won't want to miss!
Data Migration from Prior Software
If you're coming from other legal software, this can be a bit tricky or even a manual process. Depending on the legal software you were using, some don't export to .csv or even excel, and even if they do export to excel, the export can be quite ugly. The improperly formatted export might require you to perform some arts and crafts with copying and pasting or spend a lot of time "Excelifying" it in order to get it into a format that makes sense. See this link for some cool Excel tricks to help you reformat your data.

My first spot to go to after I've exported the data is to click the gear, click import, and select the importing data type. Remember in the earlier posts; we downloaded the template to use as our base. That is always your best avenue of success as it is already pre-formatted to be read simply By QuickBooks, the import feature.

Once you have completed your formatting, whether you copied and paste it or whether you had to perform some magic skills to get it to separate so that it would format properly for QuickBooks, then you're ready to do the importing.
Just select the spreadsheet that you just saved with all the data. And then click next, and you're ready to import. QuickBooks will quickly recognize the data fields because they came from the template.Data Import

You have to click go and complete the data import. You will see the results of the complete import on the screen with exactly how many successfully imported and which accounts failed.
You repeat the same steps for vendors and for employees if you have them. The employee list is a little trickier to navigate because setting up employees to use QuickBooks online payroll will require many more steps than just entering the names. But at least you will get your base in.
We hope you have enjoyed this series of blog posts and that you have a better understanding of how to use QuickBooks Online for your law firm. We know that there is a lot of information out there and that it can sometimes be overwhelming. This is why we really wanted to break it down into multiple posts so that you would be able to follow along and learn the ins and outs of QuickBooks Online. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns! If these steps seem daunting, this is the work we do. We are always happy to help!