
Top KPI’s for Law Firms


You have elevated your practice to a new high. You've taken the time and effort to specialize in one area, and you have chosen the legal industry. Maybe you have even micro-niched to one...

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Attorney-Client: Top 9 tips for a prosperous 2021

As we wind down 2020, it has been an interesting year for sure.  Some clients thrived, while others struggled with closed courtrooms.  The one resounding message I get from my clients is...

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Scaling New Heights 2020

It’s funny how an accounting conference can both exhilarate you and drain you all at the same time. This conference was no different, yet it was unique. The event was held at the Marriott...

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Law Firm Profitability: Accounts Receivable

This week and the next few weeks we will be repeating some of our favorite Advisory posts. Why? Well, we just completed a very interesting series of courses at Scaling New Heights.  I had...

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Law Firm Profitability: The Realization Rate


This week and the next few weeks we will be repeating some of our favourite Advisory posts. Why?  Because we are headed to the only accounting conference this year, Scaling New...

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Law Firm Profitability: Utilization Rate


This week and the next few weeks we will be repeating some of our favourite Advisory posts. Why?  Because we are headed to the only accounting conference this year, Scaling New...

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First Attorney Client: Pricing Clean Up Work


If you're starting a new bookkeeping firm, pricing is probably one of the more difficult things you have to learn. When you niche your practice, you have the ability to become an expert in...

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First Attorney-Client: Pricing your Work


Pricing client work, especially when you're first starting, can be challenging. Finding precisely the right amount to invoice, it's a finesse skill. It comes with practice. Give yourself...

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LEAN, Mean, LAW Machine!

This week was supposed to be about pricing your first attorney-client lead. Part of a series you can find here. However, what is that saying, "life got in the way"? We have a pretty big...

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