There are so many acronyms when you work with attorneys. You may be asked as a bookkeeper who works with lawyers about LEDES. LEDES is an acronym for Legal Electronic Data Exchange Standard. What...
Attorneys, are you looking for a proven way to eliminate redundant tasks? This can not only free up your time for better things but also allow you to focus on the more complex or pressing...
Considering that you've chosen to add LeanLaw as your attorney billing software, undoubtedly the main reason is because of the billing. You want a professional-looking invoice to send out to...
As you dive into the software, you will get excited about the powerful one, two punch of LeanLaw and QuickBooks Online Advanced. QuickBooks is such a generalized accounting...
One of the beauties of having QuickBooks Online Advanced and LeanLaw as a software partnership is the ability to have streamlined user functionality.
As an accountant, we always jokingly...
One of the ways you can measure the numbers that tell the story of your law firm's success is by using key performance indicators (KPIs). A KPI is a fancy acronym, which sounds daunting, but in...
When I think of balance, I always think of my yoga practice. When you work with attorneys and live in a world of compliance, you know that balancing one or two or even three trust accounts is no...
How we use Advisory Services with our Law Firm Clients
As mentioned in the earlier posts, I am winding down the road of the courses I will be teaching or co-teaching at the Scaling New...
Client Experience 2.0 is a term coined by Liscio, my favorite app in my work stack. Liscio is the software I use to manage client communication and client document storage....